Hiring an Installer

for Graywater Systems

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Find certified installers in your area to help you design and build your alternate water-use system

Online Listings of Trained Installers


Graywater Action

Operates a database of trained installers to help connect with local installers in your area. Visit their website for details and a wealth of valuable information.



Has an online listing platform for QWEL program graduates as well as the QWEL Graywater Module graduates.

Hire us to build your graywater system!

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Design + Build

(Licensed, bonded and insured) 

• Graywater irrigation & disposal systems (low -tech passive and high-tech filtered)

• Rainwater Catchment tanks, and cisterns

•  Stormwater retention ponds, Raingardens, bio-swales and infiltration earthworks

• Ponds for water storage and habitat creation(natural, unlined and lined)

• Irrigation Systems and Fire Protection Systems (High-efficiency Smart controlled, Potable and Non-potable, Water Metering (remote monitoring capability and simple sub-metering))

Irrigation Audits EPA Certified Testing

• Landscape Water Conservation Upgrades. Conversion to low-water use plantings, Landscape retrofits or new construction.

Landscape Design/Build. Plantings, Hardscapes, Water Features

ALT Water

Systems for Conservation and Re-use