Permaculture Skills Center EPA WaterSense Course - October 2014
EPA WaterSense Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper Base Course- October 2014
Client – Ecological Landscaper Emersion Program; Permaculture Skills Center; sponsored by Sonoma-Marin Water Saving Partnership
Location – Permaculture Skills Center, Sebastopol, Sonoma County, CA
Duration – 2.5 full-days of class
Role in the Project- Chris Reamer taught the EPA WaterSense QWEL class materials in their entirety
Bringing to bare extensive permaculture / water efficient landscape experience;
Conduct hands-on activities required for the QWEL Course (Catch-Can Test, Meter programming, valve assembly / disassembly);
Conducted marketing and outreach; proctor and grade the examination
Reference Contact Information –Adam Kliegman, - PROGRAM DIRECTOR
Permaculture Skills Center
2185 Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol, CA 95472
516 404-6914;