Our Recent Projects
Novato Bluebarrel Training
n this training students learned how to install a blue barrel system and actually built on-site.
Orchard ln. Laundry 2 Landscape
A permit exempt laundry greywater system to a small suburban backyard.
8th st Rainbarrel DaisyChain
This rain barrel system is connected via a daisy chain on the front of the barrels using bluebook tubing. This system is at the site of the executive director of Daily acts organization.
Windsor Bluebarrel System Foundation
A concrete block system for elevating rain barrels allows for the plumbing to be run underneath and for the barrels to drain completely.
Harrison grade Branched drain
A combined shower graywater system using a gravity fed passive landscape direct system.
Barndance Graywater System
laundry graywater system in a front yard that had been converted from lawn to low water use plants and rainwater swales
Fountaingrove Laundry 2 Landscape
Designed and built a laundry greywater system along with a new low water planting transformation.
Neva st., Rainbarrels
The recycled olive barrels are daisy chained together using HDPE tubing and the foundation uses concrete blocks in a design similar to the blue barrel system
Graywater Garden Eco-Display
Expanding on our previous years display at the Sonoma County Fair, we included rainwater barrels, a natural pond and diverse low-water plants.
Highland Ave. Branched Drain system
the permitted branched drain system included and actuator wired to a switch in the house to allow for remote operation of the 3-valve located in the crawlspace.
Cavanaug Center Rainwater Distribution
This 2500 gal tank irrigates via gravity controlled by a battery powered , mechanically actuated timer.
Western Ave, Laundry to Landscape
This permit-except Laundry Graywater system irrigates fruit trees through mulch basin infiltration areas
Water Conservation Demonstration Garden @ Sonoma County Fair
an interactive landscape water conservation demo and training exihibits as part of the Sonoma County Fair